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I'm starting to feel like I'm "settling," and that makes me feel less than excited about the relationship, him, and going forward in the future. I want

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Being in a relationship can be one of the most rewarding things you'll ever experience. We all like the thought of sharing our lives with someone, and having

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Um... 1. Being a man. My boyfriend could spend at least 45 minutes between saying "let's go" and actually leaving the flat. Takes me no more

Better Than Your Girlfriend

When you are always frustrated by a partner, and you feel that you need a break from them far more often than being with them provides a

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How can I know that it's time to commit to the partner I'm with or to look for what I have because I'm afraid I won't find anyone better than the Having a rock star career. Queso Dip. Happy Hour. Getting to travel or move anywhere in the world without feeling guilty or restrained.