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Fever with no other symptoms usually isn't reason enough for a child to stay home. But many schools or childcare centers request that a child not return until at least 24 hours after a fever has broken naturally (without fever-reducing medicines). Lice, scabies, and ringworm shouldn't keep kids out of school.

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Here are symptoms that mean your child must stay home: 1. Fever. Any temperature of 100.4� Fahrenheit (38� Centigrade) is a fever, and children shouldn't go to school with fevers.

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Nothing throws a monkey wrench into your day like a child waking up feeling sick. But before you cancel your meetings and call out for carpool assistance, know that not every cough and sniffle means your child should stay home from school. Fever (many schools require children to be. Does your child have a fever? Fevers of 101 F or more are generally a sign of illness, so children should stay home from school. 2. Is your child

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