Mother Daughter Victims of Home Invasion. Adult Episode aired 14 August 2018 - Previous - All Episodes (790) - Next - Add a Plot �
A 55-year-old woman and her 22-year-old daugh�ter were treat�ed at a hos�pi�tal af�ter be�ing as�sault�ed dur�ing a home in�va�sion by two men at their home on Tues�day. Po�lice be�lieve that the men had wait�ed out�side the woman's work�place and fol�lowed her to the home.
Indy mother survives home invasion in front of her kids According to police reports, Zagal's 9-year-old daughter dialed 911 and the suspects
Fremont Police need help solving a home invasion from December. In home surveillance video released Thursday, four intruders tie up a mother and daughter